agricultural fiber k


Feed and Fertilizer from Waste Fiber

sugar cane harvesting k

A long list of cereal straws and coarse grain stubbles are considered suitable for conversion:

Banana pseudo-stems

Oil Palm Bunches
Cotton crop residues- Bagasse

Most tropical/subtropical grasses- cassava waste
rice straw
sugar cane tops

bamboo waste

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Perfectly Natural Food for Cows

Although fber is the natural food choice for ruminants, certain crop residues are too fbrous with up to 80% being indigestible, because it is physically protected by lignin. The Superfbe’s process ‘softens’ the lignin and exposes the cellulose and allows the conversion into highly digestible, palatable feed for the cattle. This process transforms low market value feedstock material into high value, non-grain based nutritional feed for cattle. This animal feed does not compete for grain that can be used for human consumption.

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Billions of Tons Waste Fiber

Although Two Billion tons of Cereal Straw are available worldwide, fber has historically not been accepted as an animal feed because ruminants fnd it diffcult to digest and unpleasant to eat. Only recently has the value of these important fbers are being appreciated. Superfb’s patented conversion of these undervalued materials to high- value, nutritious animal feed promises to transform the ability to utilize these vast resources.